Friday, April 1, 2011

A Portable DVD Bag

I was always against DVD players in the car. I grew up without one and didn't see why kids needed to watch movies in the car. But then I had kids of my own and drove a three hour drive without one. Never again! So back in September we broke down and bought a portable DVD player. It definitley made the ride to Arkansas a LOT easier. The only think I didn't like was that it kept getting bumped around since it didn't have a nice cozy bag to keep it safe. I know we didn't buy the top of the line model, but I still want to protect my investment.

So for out trip to North Carolina this summer I decided to do something about it. I knew theat Ashley at Make It and Love It had a tutorial for a portable DVD player tote so I decided to give it a try. I didn't have exactly the same materials she had which I think is what made mine a bit more difficult. So after all was said and done, I wish I would have done it my way. Don't get me wrong, her tutorial is very easy to understand, I just don't always see things the same way other people do. Anyway, here is the finished product. (I know, more polka dots. It's the only sturdy fabric I had in my stash.)

I opted to leave out the strap.

A nice big pocket to hold all the cables

And my DVD player and external speaker nice and snug. :)

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