Saturday, March 5, 2011

More Shirts Tonight

Now I see why so many people I have talked to say that once you start freezer-paper stenciling you won't be able to stop! Here's a couple more shirts I made for me and the hubby this evening. His is an inside joke with some friends of ours about the men's inability to make fire without some sort of accelerant. And mine, although it is Scriptural, was inspired (unfortunately) by  the beer slogan "This Bud's for you."  I personally like mine better. :)

This is without the flash so the navy looks grey, but oh well, you get the idea.

Again, without the flash.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Today's Creations

A quick pillow I threw together in literally like 10 minutes. I didn't measure, pin, or even make sure the edges were straight. I just folded cut and sewed. It is quite obvious too, but that's okay. I also didn't really have enough stuffing for it, but again that's okay.  I think it looks great sitting in my rocker.

This is my second attempt at freezer-paper stenciling. The first one didn't turn out the prettiest, though my hubby still wears it because he loves me. This one looks MUCH better so far, though it's not yet totally dry and I haven't heat set it yet. I hand drew the robot, again in like five minutes, thus is why it isn't the fanciest thing ever. The General says he wants it to be Optimus Prime, and that's just fine with me!